Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I found myself ridiculously sad this afternoon. Why you ask? is kind of weird. We haven't been going to a "church" for about 3 months now. All summer long that hasn't bothered me one bit...I actually have enjoyed stepping out of it for a while. But, today was different. I think it is because it is the first week of school and it is Wednesday. I know that most churches have their Wednesday night programs kicking off tonight. Somehow I was sad about not being apart of "something" with people. I just really felt like weeping. Thank you Lord for giving me friends to talk to in moments like these. All told me things to encourage me and one said write in your blog. I have been meaning and wanting to but school has consumed my life for the last few weeks. However, I decided before I wrote I would check out one of my favorite blogs and play catch up on the last few days...and there it was. A message for me about waiting on God's best instead of filling my time up with only what is good. Listening for God to speak to us what He wants us to do instead of what we want to do with our time. I have got to be careful of being sucked into religious activity because that is the good thing to do and wait on what God has promised...His Best. Thanks friends for being there!!