Today has been one of those really rough parenting days. It is tough to watch your kids have a self centered nature about them. It absolutely tears your heart out. I am quickly reminded what this must do to God when we behave in this way and immediately convicted of the same. As a parent, who God has entrusted someone so precious to...how do you teach them to be thoughtful, respectful, and loving to others? I am the first to admit that my kids are super spoiled and that is the way I have wanted it. Of course they don't get everything they want but I think we have tried to make life fun for them and have endulged them in many fun things. That also includes waiting on them hand and foot...but that is a tough one too because I do want serve my family. I can't tell you how many times that I go off on the tirade to my kids about all the poor kids in the world. And I say this because I mean it and I see it in my classroom everyday, but it doesn't really mean much to them. Oh yes, I also talk about the poor starving kids in Africa...no luck there either. So, what do you do? Did we create this? In the midst of all of our stress today I saw this sign...oh how for a moment I would like to set this aside and jump inside of one of those seaweed wraps, but really I can't. I take my parenting so seriously and want the best for my kids. After today, I know that I have got to ask God for his guidance reguarding parenting and give it serious prayer time. Does anyone have any advice on helping kids be respectful and care about other's feelings?
1 comment:
This is probably an over simplification, but I honestly believe God uses my kids to show me my true self. I can't count the # of times I have gotten on to them for something only to feel God's finger tapping on my shoulder going, Do you see that? I try to tell them it will go better for them if they do what I say only to have them blatanly do the opposite. Sound familiar? It does for me.
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